# Enable Image optimization for image paths
if (req.url.ext ~ "(?i)^(gif|png|jpe?g|webp)$" || req.url.path ~ "^/images/") {
  set req.http.x-fastly-imageopto-api = "fastly";
  log "This is an image request.  Enabling IO";

# Stash original URL, because IO parameters will be stripped
# out during vcl_hash and are needed after a restart
if (fastly.ff.visits_this_service == 0 && req.restarts == 0) {
  set req.http.x-orig-url = req.url;

# Apply failover if appropriate
if (req.restarts > 0 && req.http.io-failover) {
  log "Directing request to secondary backend";
  set req.url = req.http.x-orig-url;
  set req.backend = F_origin_1;

  # Re-enable clustering
  set req.http.Fastly-Force-Shield = "1";
  # Force miss: don't use the cached 404 error, but allow the
  # new response to overwrite it
  set req.hash_always_miss = true;